Elementary School Spelling Bee
Congratulations to our top 3 school spelling bee spellers! 1st place Emma Hornbeck, 2nd place Jaiden Love, and 3rd place Trace Thompson. Emma and Jaiden will travel to the county spelling bee on Feb. 3. If either of them are unable to attend, . . .
Sculpture Walk and Art Museum Field Trip
The fourth grade had a wonderful time on an art field trip sponsored by The Art Center. The first stop was a sculpture walk that began at the Keeper of the Plains. Prior to attending, the class took some time to learn about Black . . .
AR Party News!
First AR Party of the Year! Click On the other Article on the Elementary School Page about the AR Party for more pictures!
First AR Party for Third, Fourth, & Fifth Grades
On October 20th the third, fourth, and fifth graders that made their 1st quarter Accelerated Reader goal had their party! We rode the bus to the Conway Springs park. We split up into three groups: kickball with Miss Poljansek, . . .
4th Grade Field Trips 2023
On Monday, May 8 the fourth grade walked to the Salter Museum in Argonia. During the 3rd quarter, we studied and researched famous Kansans. After studying about a dozen famous Kansans, each student chose a Kansan . . .
3rd Grade Field Trip to Exploration Place 5/1/2023
The third grade class went on a field trip to the Exploration Place! We enjoyed learning all things ‘dino’ including a dome show, live science show, and exploring all the exhibits! We also explored a little bit around . . .
3rd Grade Flat Stanley
“Flat” third graders made their way back to Argonia, KS at the end of March! At the beginning of January, students read the book “Flat Stanley” then created a flat version of themselves to send to a friend or family . . .